

Department Contacts

Water & Sanitation: (Finance and Engineering Department)

+264 62 50 5119
+264 62 50 5100

Water Meters (Finance)

+264 62 50 5119
+264 62 50 5106

Property Rates & Taxes (Finance Department)

+264 62 50 5105

Business Registration (Environment Health)

+264 62 50 5139

Refuse Removal (Environment Health)

+264 62 50 5139

Betterment Policy (Town Planning - Building Control)

+264 62 50 5130

Compliance Building Control (Town Planning - Building Control)

+264 62 50 5130

Building Regulations (Town Planning - Building Control)

+264 62 50 5130

Accounts (Finance Department)

+264 62 50 5116
+264 62 50 5106


The following tariffs are applicable:

2024 / 2025 Tariffs