About Us

Her Worship the Mayor
Honourable Councillor Beatrice Kotungondo
Our Website
The Okahandja Municipality website is an online portal for residents and visitors to access information on Municipality Services, news, municipal information and application forms for services.
Find out more about the history of the Town, Organizational Structure, Values, Code of Ethics and information about elected Office Bearers and the appointed Staff Members.
“Welcome to the WEBSITE of Okahandja Town, popularly known as the Garden Town of Namibia. The website is our online portal for Users to access Municipality services and the applications offered by all Departments.
The website is vital as it serves as a landing place where the Public is introduced to the history of the Town, Organizational Structure, Values, Code of Ethics and Information about elected Office Bearers and the appointed Staff Members.
This platform is a useful tool for ease of obtaining services, mobile access, notification services, searching for information, alert for emergency, online forms, contact info for municipal officials, info on local events, things to do, resources of residents and for local businesses, keeping citizens in the loop with social media, tax & rates information, emergency services information to mention but a few.
This Website demonstrates the Municipality’s commitment as set out in the Local Authorities Act, No. 23 of 1992, and its Mandates, and thereby enhancing Stakeholders engagement to respond efficiently and effectively to their needs and aspirations. This Website is a User Friendly, can be browsed through with ease and peace of mind, thanks to its advanced Security Features.
Enjoy the experience !!”
Alphons Tjitombo
Chief Executive Officer

Who We Are
Nestled within the heart of the Okahandja electoral constituency, in Namibia’s picturesque Otjozondjupa Region, lies a town
with a unique charm and a rich heritage.
Home to approximately 25,000 residents, as recorded in the 2011 Census, Okahandja is affectionately known as the “Garden
Town of Namibia.” Located just 70 kilometers to the north of the capital city, Windhoek, along the B1 road, Okahandja derives
its name from the Otjiherero language, signifying “the place where two rivers flow into each other to form one wide one.”
This town boasts a captivating history, deeply intertwined with the Herero and Nama speaking communities, who were led by
Chief Tjamuaha and Kaptein Jonker Afrikaner during the 1800s. Remarkably, both Chief Tjamuaha and Kaptein Jonker Afrikaner
passed away in the same year, 1854, leaving behind a legacy that continues to shape Okahandja’s identity.
Officially established on June 25, 1894, Okahandja marks its foundation with the establishment of the first military station
by Theodor Leutwein, the colonial administrator of German South West Africa at the time. Additionally, Okahandja proudly
claims the birthplace of the Augustineum School in 1905, an institution that nurtured numerous national leaders.

Municipal Emblem
Pursuant to subsection 2 of article three and paragraph (a) of Article fourteen of the Heraldry Act, 1962 (Act No. 18 of 1962), it is hereby certified that the Municipality of Okahandja has a coat of arms registered.
As illustrated on the heraldic right side hereof and described below as the full and exclusive property of said body.
Arms: In blue , a wavy shield base of silver charged with two wavy crossbars of blue, surmounted by a star cross of red, issuing from the shield base a shield head of silver, a black eagle tongue and nail of red between right a chariot wheel and left a cogwheel, both red.
Crest: A thorn three on a grassy ground, all of natural colour.
Shield holders: Two kudus of natural colour
Motto: Semper Prorsum (Always Ahead)
An attractive inclusive town for residents and stakeholders, offering a vibrant hub of industry and investment prospects.
To provide sustainable, affordable and quality municipal services to our residents and all stakeholders.
Professionalism: Demonstrating competency, transparency and impartiality in the performance of duties.
Integrity: Putting the obligations of the public service above one’s own personal interest.
Accountability: We are answerable for our action at all time.
Customer centric: Provide a courteous and helpful service suitable to the convenience of those entitled to the service.
Inclusivity: Culture of blend of people working together comfortably and confidently to deliver service.

Okahandja Town Council

Municipality of Okahandja Management

Alphons Tjitombo
Chief Executive Officer

Pesella Nunda
Strategic Executive: Finance,
IT & Asset Management

George Mwazi
Manager: Human Resource & Corporate Services

Patrick Haraseb
Manager: Civil

Elizabeth Uupindi
Manager: Finance and Asset Management

Julia Hukununa
Manager Environmental Health &Emergency Services

Ndapewa J Paulus
Strategic Executive: Engineering and Town Planning Services

Manager: Town Planning, Housing Development & Administration

Strategic Executive: Human Resources, Corporate & Community Services